2013.11.02 11/2 [OVERFUSED?] HANDS CLUB NIGHT TOKYO 2013
<◀ SINCE 2002 ▶>
Thank you so much for attending [OVERFUSED?]!! [OVERFUSED?]に御来場どうもありがとうございました★
老舗ノイズインダストリアルレーベルHANDS主宰&ジャーマンインダストリアルのパイオニア「WINTERKÄLTE」のUDO WIESSMANNとHANDSのアルバムジャケット等デザインを手掛けるアートディレクターNICOLA BORKが来日!!
OPEN/START 16:00 - END 21:00 21:00〜23:00 BAR TIME *NO CHARGE @西麻布BULLET'S(NISHI-AZABU) http://bul-lets.com/top.html ¥1500 +1D
SPECIAL GUEST: DJ UDO WIESSMANN (HANDS/WINTERKÄLTE) from GERMANY http://www.facebook.com/udo.wiessmann http://www.facebook.com/DjUdoWiessmann WINTERKÄLTE (Germany) http://www.facebook.com/winterkaelte Label: HANDS http://www.handsproductions.com/
HANDS - label for electronic music and art since 1990.
HANDS is a pioneering label for contemporary electronic music, presenting artists from all over the world. The covered genres extend beyond the core business of Rhythm'n'Noise into the areas of IDM, Drum & Bass and Breakcore, Minimal Techno, Ambient, Electronica and Sound Art.
HANDS has an impressive backcatalogue of well over 200 releases under its belt, mostly fullength artist albums on CD or vinyl. Also it has a history of two decades to look back at:
Udo Wiessmann founded HANDS in 1990 as an independent platform for his own musical projects Atrum, Severance and Winterkälte that would grant him complete artistic freedom. At this stage, the label operated from Fürth (Franconia/Southern Germany) and released limited edition cassette tapes of above mentioned artists as well as compilations, all of which are sought-after collectors’ items nowadays.
In the mid-1990s, focus shifted towards the promotion and development of Winterkälte. Their distinct style of Drum’n’Noise quickly put them at the cutting edge of the rising Rhythm Noise scene. Their subsequent three CD/vinyl albums and the unique live presentation have since secured them an exceptional status within the scene.
In the late 1990s HANDS moved operations to Dortmund (Rhine-Ruhr metropolitan area of Germany) and started to regularly release artist albums in the CD format: The first ones were the debut albums by Orphx, Ah-Cama Sotz and Needle Sharing, soon followed by acts like Mono No Aware, S.I.N.A., Xabec and 5F_55. Ever since it has been the label’s main intention to establish long-term relationships with artists and to continually promote their work; in some cases, HANDS artists have resurfaced after a quite long time of seeming inactivity. Over the years HANDS has introduced and established many popular acts, among others Klinik, S.K.E.T., Nullvektor, Edgey, Angina P., Shorai and Empusae, rediscovered seasoned producers like Geistform and Wieloryb and rereleased the classic backcatalogue of The Klinik.
The HANDS artists are regularly presented by means of two long-running compilation series: The first one was started at the turn of the millennium as 2000 HANDS (2CD/5LP), a massive collection of three tracks each by 10 artists. View this either as a deep and detailed insight into the label’s activities or simply as a bargain bundle of 10 EPs - this series has gone into six editions so far. The second series is the annual FORMS OF HANDS festival compilation – an exclusive track each by every one of the label acts to appear on stage at the label showcase taking place every spring since 2001. The 11 editions of the FORMS OF HANDS compilation perfectly reflect the development, growth and diversity of HANDS.
The desire for individuality and quality is represented through the outer appearance of the >HANDS Paper Pack< - a special CD packaging made of paper and carton only without using plastic. Most layouts are designed by Nicola Bork, giving every release a distinct visual identity.
In addition to the annual FORMS OF HANDS festival, the label’s artist regularly play festivals like Maschinenfest, Mutek, Kinetik, WGT, Schlagstrom, Elektroanschlag or Infest as well as performing numerous club shows all over the world, including full tours of America and Asia. Sound artists like Incite/, Schachtanlage Gegenort or Saverio Evangelista are also active within the art scene, doing sound installations and audio visual performances.
After over 20 years in business HANDS stands stronger than ever, with an international label roster of about 45 active artists covering a wide range of styles, and plenty more CDs and vinyls from the HANDS family can be expected in the future.
ORDINATEUR *Rhythmic Noise / Power Noize / Harsh / Breakcore
カナダのインダストリアルフェス「COMA4」や米国インダストリアルクラブDAS BUNKER出演&V.A.参加アーティスト リズミックノイズ、重低音ノイズ等、インダストリアルシーンで人気のアーティストConverterやIszoloscope(Canada),Mimetic(Swiss), Mono no Aware(Germany)の初来日を手がけたのでも有名なノイズ系インダストリアルイベントSEQUENCE OR DIE主宰。
▶ORDINATEUR Official Web-Site ▶ORDINATEUR on MySpace
・DJ STATIK *Rhythmic Noise / Power Electronics / Power Noise / Haesh / Dark Ambient
STATIK has DJed as DJ Kedamono at the most famous Industrial club DAS BUNKER(US) before he moved to Japan. STATIK started DJing at Industrial club and became a pioneer of spreading the new sound so called NOISE INDUSTRIAL came from Germany. He approaches audience with aggressive yet danceable tunes by manipulating Dark Electro and Rhythmic Noise.
Midnight★Mess,[OVERFUSED?]の人気レジデントDJ。US Industrial clubのパイオニアであり伝説的存在のDAS BUNKER (ダス・ブンカー) においてDJ Kedamonoとして活動後、来日。 国内でテクノイズを広めたパイオニアでもあり、NOISE INDUSTRIAL/EBM/DARK ELECTRO等をダークに操り、アグレッシブかつダンサブルチューンでフロアを沸かす。 2010年にはMidnight★Mess主宰のDJ Mistress MAYAと共にドイツの世界最大規模ノイズインダストリアルフェスティバルMASCHINENFESTと、世界NO.1インダストリアルクラブCLUB MATRIXのEODに日本人初のゲスト出演を果たす。
・DJ Mistress MAYA *Rhythmic Noise / Power Electronics / Power Noise / Dark Ambient / Industrial / Breakcore Midnight★Mess/[OVERFUSED?]/Mechanical Slaves主宰&レジデントDJ。 Gothic DJとしては都内にてTim Burton監督プライベートパーティーにてDJ。インダストリアルDJとしては2010年にドイツの世界最大規模ノイズ系インダストリアルフェスティバルMASCHINENFESTと、世界No.1インダストリアルクラブCLUB MATRIXのEODに日本人初のゲスト出演を果たす。同じくドイツではWave-Gotik-Treffen(Leipzig)、Berlin等幅広く活動している。 キーワードは「激しく哀しくダーク」、そして妖しくフロアを操る。
+SOUND MENU+ Rhythm'n'Noise + Rhythmic Noise + Power Electronics + Power Noise + Dark Ambient + INDUSTRIAL + Harsh + Breakcore
INDUSTRIAL DANCE CLUB [OVERFUSED?] since 2005 presented by Midnight★Mess http://midnightmess.com/ http://twitter.com/MidnightMess_JP http://www.facebook.com/groups/midnightmesstokyo/
★TOTAL INFORMATION★ http://midnightmess.com/index.php?id=13110001
VENUE★西麻布BULLET'S 港区東京都西麻布1-7-1 霞ビルB1F Nishi-Azabu 1-7-1 Kasumi B1F, MINATO-KU, TOKYO TEL 03-3401-4844
●ブレッツはアルコール以外にFOODやHOT DRINKも充実しています●
________ FOOD MENU _________
・THAI CURRY & RICE [Green,Red,Yellow] ____¥800 ・OMELET & CHICKEN RICE オムライス______¥800 ・BEEF BOWL 牛丼 _______________ ¥600 ・PASTA [アラ ビアータ / カルボナーラ]_____¥800 ・PIZZA ピザ__________________ ¥800 ・FRENCH FRIES フライドポテ ト_________¥700 ・TORTILLA CHIPS & SALSA サルサ________¥600 ・OLIVE & PICKLED VEGETABLE オリ-ヴ&ピクルス¥600 ・ASSORTED NUTS ミックスナッツ________¥500 ・ASSORTED CHOCOLATE ミックスチョコ ____¥500 ・DRIED SWEET POTATO 干し芋 _________¥300 ・ SOUP w/CRACKER スープ w/クラッカー ____¥500 [ミネストローネ,クラムチャウダー,コーンクリーム] ・ドライスナック [サラミ,イカ薫,マンゴー] ____¥300
______ HOT (&ICED) DRINK MENU ______
・COFFEE コーヒー _______________¥500 ・TEA 紅茶 ___________________¥500 ・CHAI チャイ _________________¥500 ・HOT MILK ホットミルク ____________¥500 ・JASMIN TEA ジャスミンティ __________¥500 ・GREEN TEA グリーンティ ___________¥500 ・FLAVORED TEA フレイバーティー _______¥500 ・HERBAL TEA ハーブティー___________¥500 ・COCOA ココア ________________¥500 ・HONEY AND LEMON ハニーレモン _______¥500 ・CHINESE TEA 中国茶・花茶 __________¥500 *アイスでももちろんOK!
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