2008.03.22 03.22 Midnight★Mess
<◀ SINCE 2002 ▶>
御来場ありがとうございました!!Thank you so much to everyone who came to Midnight★Mess on Mar.22nd!!!! Mistress MAYA would like to thank all the artist who performed and the staff who supported her. ▶Photo by 皐月
■RELEASE PARTY■ CD giveaway!!無料配布!!*数に限りがございます M e m m a k e r - "How to Enlist in a Robot Uprising" ▶2006年の5月のMidnight★Messに来日公演した Yann F. (ISZOLOSCOPEの別ユニットのアルバム発売記念です!! 今回ライヴはありませんがDJ STATIKとMAYAのSetでかかる感じです。 M e m m a k e r is a other project by Yann F. of ISZOLOSCOPE(ANT-ZEN) who performed at MMess on May in 2006!! *M e m m a k e r will not play this time, but some tracks will be played during DJ STATIK and MAYA's set.
» Attention cadets, incoming transmission! Destruction is imminent: Memmaker are here to destroy all human eardrums and interface with your women, undermining earth society forever. Comprised of Guillaume Nadon and Yann Faussurier (of Iszoloscope), Memmaker have forged a rare and explosive compound of hard-trance, driving electro grooves, and immense industrial beats against which mankind is utterly defensless. Limbs will be shattered and tossed like straw as the full force of their unstoppable sonic barrage is unleashed upon humanity, animating those torn and smashed extremities in a violent whirl of fists and bodies as their complete takeover of your central nervous system compels you to MOVE. Bodies will be tossed on concussive tremors of bass, and the screams of ecstasy and resignation will drown in the impossibly infectious rhythms.
The only hope for survival is to assimilate into the robot ranks and take to the streets. You are all soldiers to the cause now, and the Uprising is in motion - the insatiable iron lust of your new mechanical rulers will be satisfied! This robotic takeover is a cooperative venture between Hive Records Global Noise Corporation and the Embodiment Records Woldwide Control Apparatus. - Members - ●G. Nadon - composition, arrangements, robot ears ●Yann F. (ISZOLOSCOPE) - arrangements, mixing, editing, plutonium Q-Tips ▶MYSPACE
*わが 歌姫(?!)セリア君とオーガナイザー マヤのコンビ♪ ▶SELIA on YOU TUBE [ mixi community]
【 LIVE 】 ▶Two shows!! will appear for the first time at MMess!!- Midnight★Messに初登場の2組です!!どちらもレコ発♪
■BAND PROJECT■ 1st mini album "遮断" リリース後の初ライヴ!!pre one-man gig!!! -1st mini album releasing gig-
MYSPACE photo by SATSUKI ▶YOUTUBE *全国CDショップにて1st mini album "遮断"好評発売中!! 3月5日付渋谷タワーレコードデイリーチャートにて14位にランクイン致しました!渋谷タワーレコードの3月4日、全フロアの売上の中で14位です!
"realism of human nature"をテーマとした共同体。 彼等は自らのスタイルを「Dirty Glamorous Industrial」と名付け、 industrial rock を主体とし、gothic.glam rock.punk などの要素を 取り入れた独自のサウンドとパフォーマンスを展開している。 名の由来はアリストテレス、儒教の唱えた『中庸』からの派生。
▶暫くの沈黙の後の再開ライヴである。 ▶NEW RELEASE!! "THE NEUTRON EGO TAPE" 120枚限定生産のfirst single!!
THE NEUTRON EGO TAPE first single "fake aberration" 1. fake aberration 2. black light white shadow
photo by SATSUKI
■GUEST DJ■ 特別出演!!Special appearance!! EIJI ROSSO (THE LECHERY FROM MARS,resident of Club Eve the New Church)
■FETISH PERFORMANCE■ Midnight Mistress
- ResidentZ -
◆DOOR/FLOOR †mess★dolls†
【 Organize & DJ 】Mistress MAYA ▶Dark Electro >Industrial Rock >Technoid >Breakcore *Photo by DJ SiSeN *衣裳協力 by (DAIKAN-YAMA,TOKYO) and GRAVE DIGGER
【 FETISH/GOTHIC Shop 】 (Harajuku,Tokyo) *Import clothing & Original Accesary - 輸入服、小物、オリジナルアクセサリー A.K.I.
*コサージュ、オリジナルアクセサリー まりMari
【 CD SHOP 】 HIVE RECORDS(NY.US) CD - all 1500yen!! - CD 各1500円
NY.USのリズミックノイズやインダストリアルのレーベル”Hive Records"の新譜etc,,,
【 PLAYLIST 】 DJ STATIK Karjalan Sissit - "Tanssit On Loppu Nyt" PPF - "You Came For The Noise" Contaminant - "Rottenstill Deadagain (VS Edit)" Punch Inc. - "Fightclub" ESA - "Principals Of A Paradisic Resolve" Organic Case - "Noisebleed" Memmaker - "Robot Buzz" -------------------------------------------------------- Memmaker - "Ascent" -------------------------------------------------------- Hocico - "Fed Up" Nachtmahr - "I Believe (In Blood)" Asphyxia - "Obliterate My Fate" Xotox - "Winterblut 3: Ewiges Eis" Edgey - "Total Annihilation" Manufactura - "You're Fucking Worthless (Full Contact mix]"
▶early time photo by SATSUKI